Texas Trip

We are trying out for the parts for the Texas trip! I hope I get Mrs. Dicknson this is what I want to be. I have worked so hard for it I wish Taegan,Jessi,Maddy good luck today I cant wait


School is almost out we have 2 more 6 weeks left (12 weeks) I cant wait for summer!!!!! There is 1 thing im not ready for its the STAAR TEST!! Im so don’t wont to take this test. There is retakes for 6th grade but I don’t wont to retake and im sure my friends don’t

Texas Trip

I am getting more and more exited about the trip! I cant wait to see what movie we are going to watch on the bus. I am super happy we get to miss 2 whole days of school. I am glad I get to hang out with my BFFS